What!? Pick 5 things in our collections and label them our favorites? Is this a daunting task or a fool's errand request by Riff of Pixel Game Squad? We're often referred to as the "mom and dad of YouTube" so it's easy to understand how difficult it is for us to pick favorites.
Games Only?
Well...others may focus on games, but we collect such an eclectic mix of items that we didn't limit it to video games. In fact, we didn't exactly pick one at all--but that's spoilers for what's in the list!
Again, we were tagged by Pixel Game Squad and left links in the video to their channel and the video itself so you can see who else they called out and follow up on those videos as well. Plus, we name dropped a few channels, but ultimately it's an open tag, so feel free to share with us YOUR top 5 favorite things in your collection. Even if that list changes. ;-)