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Retro Gaming - Monthly Recap December 2019

Updated: Jan 2, 2020

Hey GotG crew! As we approach the end of December, the end of the Year and the of the Decade. It's that time again to take a look retro look back over the month of December.

Best Retro Gaming Channel

As well as making regular retro gaming content we also spend a lot of time watch our retro gaming channel buddies. One of our favourite things to do is to look over the YouTube gaming channel that stood out most to us over the month. We usually look at gaming channels under the 2000 subscriber mark and don't normally repeat winners... But this month we might just bend the rules on this one.

Best Video Game

Another area we like to look at as well as beer of the month and favourite music is game of the month. What have GotG been playing this month that has us all excited. What is the best video we've played in the month of December.

Retro Refresh

As well as the standard categories we also are happy to announce Retro Refresh. You know what that is right because you are here reading this. However we have been working on Retro Refresh, along with the rest of the Retro Refresh crew for the past couple of months. December 2019 is the month we are finally ready to fully announce Retro Refresh to the rest of the world...

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