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Mailin' Mail -- Nerd vs Fat Mystery Box -- RAOK Unboxing

This round of Mailin' Mail is extra special as it was totally unexpected. This time we are unboxing a random act of kindness from Josh of Nerd vs. Fat. Josh is a fellow nerd who is cataloguing his weight loss journey. He's fairly active on Instagram and still has his YouTube channel going, so please, visit him and give him a follow and some support on his quest!

Random Act of Kindness?

That's right--Josh has sent us some mail before but this time he totally surprised us with a box we had no idea was even on the way. Not only that but he fully packed this with all sorts of goodies. Gaming and movie goodness that gave our Sony PSP collection a shot in the arm. He even snuck in a fun little collectible that is right at home with us!

Please use the links in the video description to visit Josh and support him and let him know what an awesome guy he is!

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