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BK & Fam Holiday Gift Unboxing

The holidays may have passed but the spirit of giving is alive and well with this great Christmas present from a fellow YouTuber and community support, BK. Brian is an awesome guy who we met at MoGameCon but have become fast friends with since then. He's also so good about interacting with and supporting the YouTube community, often dropping by for live-streams; always checking out videos; and sharing his own passion for beer as well. This time with a little something from Adroit Theory.

What's In The Box!?

Ooooh, now that is the best part--the unboxing! He sent us a tracking number and nothing else to go off of, so it was a complete surprise to see what was inside. His kiddos got involved and customized some cards and notes directly to us and honestly, that is probably one of our favorite things in this YouTube community--personalized pieces just like this! BK had other plans though as he shared with us What Evil Lurks...


BK, the man with the plan and a heart for stouts has sent us a limited edition brew titled What Evil Lurks. This beer by Adroit Theory is one of only 2000 and blends the flavors of coffee, cinnamon, and toasted marshmallow for a sweetness totally unexpected to be found in such a dark stout brew.

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